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Cygnet Neurofeedback System


  • We use the Cygnet Neurofeedback System developed by Siegfried and Susan Othmer, recognized pioneers in the field.

  • It was designed for clinicians, not neuroscientists. While highly advanced in its technical capabilities, it is easy to use, portable, and durable, and the video animations are beautiful. Over one million sessions per year are done on this system, and upgrades and refinements are constantly flowing. 

  • We have demonstrated that agency clinicians with a background in mental healthcare can learn to use the system and software after the initial 2 1/2 days of training, followed by another 2 1/2 days of training. 

  • Cygnet uses YouTube, Netflix, movie DVDs, and video games as the source for feedback, thereby quickly engaging clients of any age. 

  • All equipment and software are FDA-approved as class II medical devices. It is portable and very durable. 

  • In Europe, the Cygnet system has been certified for use by psychiatrists, occupational therapists, psychologists, and other mental health providers. 

  • Cygnet system focuses on infra-low frequencies (ILF). This particular focus has been especially helpful with clients often described as challenging. Yet, it is also effective with many clients and conditions addressed with non-ILF neurofeedback.

  • ILF Neurofeedback can be conducted with adherence to all Covid-19 safety protocols. 


Note: The Neurofeedback Advocacy Project, the program's sponsor, is an advocacy project. Our mission is to implement neurofeedback within our existing healthcare system, with particular concern for agencies working with the underserved. We are not selling anything or receiving any commissions or other compensation. 


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